You can use your Samsung Money by SoFi Debit Card for purchases and ATM withdrawals in other countries wherever Mastercard is accepted, with funds being withdrawn in the local currency of the country where the transaction occurs. If your transaction is in a foreign currency, Mastercard will convert the amount to US dollars based on their exchange rate at the time of settlement. A foreign exchange fee of approximately 0.2% of the transaction amount may be assessed by Mastercard for transactions in a foreign currency.
Chip technology is supported in over 130 countries worldwide, including India, Australia, Japan, Canada, and the United Kingdom. This ensures that you can use your card securely and conveniently while traveling abroad.
Please note the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) prohibits business with specific countries.To see the full list of the US Department of Treasury’s Sanction list that may prevent your SoFi Debit Chip Card from working click here:
Sanctions Programs and Country Information | Office of Foreign Assets Control
**Please note that SoFi must abide by the rules set forth by the US Department of Treasury.